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logo for Andie Snyder's The Art of Changing Your Life

Discover The Easy Way to Radically Improve Your Mood and Your Life Circumstances

Join me and a group of like-minded new friends as you discover the art of changing your life so that you start enjoying the HEALTH, WEALTH, LOVE, HAPPINESS and WELL-BEING you have always wanted.

Virtual Class the Art of Changing Your Life
  • Do you enjoy some areas of your life but not all?

  • Do you feel limited by your comfort zone? 

  • Are you settling for good, when you know you are meant for more?

  • Do wish that you had an easy, proven strategy to get more of what you want out of life (and less of what you don’t want)?

You are not alone.... so many people settle for mediocre and give up on their dreams of amazing.

Don't let that happen to you. It's time to move past what has held you back and claim the life you truly want and deserve.

Let me show you how to have it all!

Get Started Now


The Infinite Possibilities Bootcamp

In this interactive virtual class you will discover how to...

Impact the World

Learn easy strategies that enable you to get started on any dream, even when you’re not sure where to begin.

Relax Your Way to Success

Develop confidence in overcoming stress, worry and negative self talk.

Spark a Transformation

Discover fun techniques that enhance your creativity, unlock your true potential and allow you to let go of what no longer serves you.

Live Life to the Fullest

Discover how to harness the energy of emotions and thoughts and become more grounded, centered and comfortable in your own skin.

Find Your Voice

Hone your communication skills to help you grow personally and professionally.

Unlock Your True Power

Discover the secrets to engage in life's magic that will take you from surviving to thriving or from good to amazing and truly create the life of your dreams!

...and much, much more!


You'll learn how changing the way you think of things can make a profound difference in every facet of your life. The information is presented in a way that's easy to accept and hard to refute as you recognize how honest it feels. The group offers confirmation that the process works and we all benefited from the sharing.

I was hoping to gain new insight towards becoming my better self. My challenge is to still keep stretching my comfort zone and to better define the future I want.

The class has reminded me how much control I have over my future because it teaches you how to get out of your own way. You learn how to change your thoughts and thus change your reality. It's natural and intuitive and you'll recognize that you've had the tools all along. This is great information for anyone working toward their better self.

-Michael Flor

Enjoyable, Informative, Enriching and Beneficial!

I gained awareness of my thoughts and more tools for life. It was enjoyable, informative, enriching and beneficial. I loved the class discussion and the way Andie presents the material. Each session had something to noteworthy to remember.

P. K. W.

Meet Your Course Presenter

Andie Synder LCSW

Your Course Presenter is Andie Snyder, LCSW. Andie brings 30+ years of experience successfully coaching clients to get the results they want in all areas of their lives.

Andie has worked in the areas of mental health, hospice, substance use and education as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and is a certified Health and Success Coach, Dating and Relationship Coach, Rapid Results Business Coach and a certified Infinite Possibilities Coach.

She has been featured in the Find Your True Love Telesummit, in Goddess Magazine, and on the After Fifty: Shades of Grey podcast.

For the last 4+ decades, Andie studied everything she could about Love, Intimacy and Healthy Relationships, Discovering and Aligning with Purpose, Effective Communication Skills, Health, Wealth and Wellbeing, and the Law Of Attraction so that she could confidently create the lifestyle she wanted.

Andie grew up shy, having low self-esteem, and with an underlying sense of feeling not good enough for all the good things she wanted to be, do and have in life. Heartache after heartache, disappointment after disappointment, she wanted the fairy tale prince to come rescue her from a life of distress. Frustrated, feeling utterly out of alignment and lost without purpose, she sought the answer to successfully overcoming life's challenges.

As an Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer, Andie stands for the truth that everyone is special, that every life is meaningful, and that we’re all here to make a difference! We were all born with the power within us to create the change we want. “Thoughts become things,” and dreams do come true.

Andie loves to facilitate positive change, to spark connections and to create magic and miracles in people's lives. Her mission is to empower you to deepen your feelings of authenticity and self-love, to create happy, healthy, relationships and to live a purposeful, fulfilling life! (and of course, to have fun along the way.)

Life Changing!

My biggest goal of the class was to gain/restore my self confidence. Many years ago, I had a very successful career at a public accounting firm as a CPA. After numerous traumas and having been on disability for anxiety and depression, I hadn't worked for almost 3 years. I lost all confidence in myself and found it hard to even make a phone call. I basically felt useless, always worried about being judged and was unable to accomplish anything. During this class, my confidence rose by practicing the principles Andie taught, everyday.

Through the power of manifestation we learned, a great job fell in my lap when I wasn't even looking. I aced the interviews, channeling confidence gained from using the tools Andie gave me. Now, I finally have a job and feel so much better about myself!

Andie is an amazing group leader and wonderful at teaching this class. She encouraged the participants to share their thoughts with one another and the class had many meaningful discussions. She is very encouraging and I am not sure if I would have received the positive impact it had in my life if this class was if taught by someone else.

I encourage anyone who has any doubts about themselves and are struggling with anything to take this class. It was really life changing for me.

J. Cooper

You're going to discover...

The Art of Changing Your Life!

Isn't it time to embrace the life you deserve?

Infinite Possibilities Bootcamp

  • 2 Half Day Sessions ($1,000)

  • Bonus #1 - Quick Start ( $250)

  • Bonus #2 - Follow Up Q&A ($250) 

  • Bonus #3 - Infinite Possibilities Workbook ($250)

That's a $1,750 Value for Only


LIMITED TIME OFFER: Virtual Bootcamp Pilot Program


“I really enjoyed working with you. I feel truly blessed that you were here with me on my journey.

You have many gifts. The one I treasured most was your gentleness with my pain. Thank you so much for guiding me through. Wishing you many blessings.”

~ Mark K.

“I will always be grateful for the work we did together. You are a gifted and conscientious therapist and a wise soul. You helped me heal so much! ~ Carole T. 

“I have never met a more generous, kind and sweet person than you. With your help I have come to a greater understanding of myself.”     ~ Carrie P.

“What a wonderful journey! Thank you for getting to know me, for guiding me to my higher self, for your knowledge and keen insight.

Your talent and genuine caring helped me greatly. I will not ever forget our time together as it has been so powerful for me.”

~ Josh P. 

The Infinite Possibilities Bootcamp is an innovative and revolutionary program.

Based on the the book, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams, by New York Times bestselling author and international speaker, Mike Dooley. It incorporates material from the Infinite Possibilities triad, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Changing Your Life, for adults, Infinite Possibilities I Believe in ME!, for youth, (co-authored by Mike Dooley, Rebecca Psigoda), and Infinite Possibilities for the Well-Travelled Soul, for those traveling an unexpected path, (co-authored by Mike Dooley, Rebecca Psigoda and Jenn Stark).

The Infinite Possibilities Bootcamp is designed to “reach those who have not been reached” with the truth of life’s beauty and the tools to live deliberately.

It is personalized to bring light, love, and possibility to our senior population, those struggling through grief, and/or those whose journey has taken an unexpected path through an injury, accident, life-changing health issue or other significant disappointment. It empowers participants to be more conscious and intentional about everything they think, say, and do. Through simple steps and easy-to-use tools, this transformational program walks participants through specific strategies to generate more love, health, abundance, and happiness in their lives. It is my desire to share this empowerment program so that anyone and everyone has the opportunity to understand how powerful they are, and that they are meant to thrive instead of just survive.

Benefits of the Infinite Possibilities Bootcamp, are infinite!

Everyone who goes through this program will come away with:

  • An understanding of how to identify your limiting beliefs, so you can remove hidden barriers and attract more of what you want into your life (Love, Health, Money… you name it!)

  • The key mindset one must have to effectively navigate change. 

  • The secret strategy for neutralizing unwanted emotional reactions to life stressors.

  • Two specific action steps one must take to turn action into opportunity.

  • Priceless tools and resources for eliminating negativity and creating happiness NOW, despite challenging circumstances.

  • How to successfully cruise through The Bermuda Triangle of Manifestation to create the outcome you desire.

  • A sense of trust that everything you desire is within your reach, and the knowledge of how to attain it so that you can find pleasure and joy in every moment.

  • and so much more...

  • Enjoyable, Informative, Enriching and Beneficial!

    I gained awareness of my thoughts and more tools for life. It was enjoyable, informative, enriching and beneficial. I loved the class discussion and the way Andie presents the material.

    Each session had something to noteworthy to remember. I appreciated the repetition of positive affirming thoughts to retrain my thought processes.

    -P. K. W.

    Enlightening, thought provoking course to joy!

    As a codependent person, goals and future felt absolutely foreign because I've spent my life for others. I felt trapped in overthinking, especially shoulds, coulds, ifs.

    I joined the class to discover new ways of looking at life. I found it to be an enlightening, thought provoking course to joy...a positive twist.

    -D. M.

    Fun and Informative!

    Examining my thought patterns and beliefs and changing them had been a challenge for me but I gained an understanding of the principles discussed and successfully applied them to my life.

    Whether this subject is all new to you or something you already practice, the class is fun and informative and will help you find your infinite possibilities. 

    -F. G.


    You’re not here to survive, you’re here to THRIVE! 

    Discover how to thrive in spite of naysayers, inner critical voices, and social influences that tell us to be practical, be careful, and play small.

    We ALL need reminders and tools to step outside the monotony of the day-to-day to:

  • Have More Fun

  • Dream Bigger

  • Bask in the Magic of Life

  • Join me and a group of like-minded new friends as we explore the power that you have locked inside of you, breakthrough what’s holding you back, and apply the steps that you can take to start living the life of your dreams!

    Don't Miss Our Next

    Infinite Possibilities Bootcamp!

    Limited Time Offer

    Save $500 When You Join Our Virtual Bootcamp Pilot Program




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